Sunday, 11 March 2018

Production Tracking

Production Tracking Sheets

Before we began production on our degree films, the class was handed a Production Tracker and filled it out. The production sheets are used in order to keep track of our schedule and to apply our time accordingly. The sheets are dedicated to various aspects of the production, such as asset tracking and animation tracking, that are controlled via preset dates that we set out for ourselves.

Over Schedule 

This sheet is the main sheet used in tracking what needs to be done at what point in the production schedule. It is in this sheet that the aspects of pre-production, production and post-production are sorted and outlined using different colour coordination so that I can follow them more easily. The sheet is the overall tracker for my production and allows me to see what needs to be done that month.

Asset Tracking

Assets are the aspects of the film that are animated or are placed within the actual animation. The tracking sheet is used to keep check of what assets are finished and need to be completed.

Animation Tracking

The sheet comprises of the number of animation scenes in the whole film and the seconds they hold. The animation tracking sheet allows me to mark off W.I.P and finalized animation which is shown in the progress Sheet.

Progress Chart Sheet

This sheet is the foremost important aspect of the production tracking as it provides an overall look at the progress of the production schedule and features a countdown of the number of days left for the animation and other aspects.

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