Monday 12 March 2018

Business Card - Fonts and Layout Concept

Business Card Concept

Business Card Layout Ideas

Character based business cards often had the character consume the front of the card and at first it was something I was going to try, but eventually I realized that as I wanted to be a 2D Character Animator, I needed to showcase a character in motion rather than simply showing character design.

I started to look at the sketchy hand-drawn style and found that it could show a character in fluid motion and would also suit my rather detailed style. The last image is also what I wanted the colours to play out as; that water colour effect or even the pale, pastel colours that I could incorporate into the business card and logo.


Fonts play a major part in a business card as they can either bring out a card or completely throw off the entire thing. For the card, I wanted to follow that hand-made feel of the character and go with a handwritten style instead of the generic fonts found online.

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