Friday, 20 April 2018

Evaluation Plan Outline

Evaluation Outline; 2000 Words

Approaches; Pre-production, Production, Post production

Title; Kelly Herbert, 1715557, word count

Discuss the outline of the story and the overall theme and how that changed.
Discuss the artists and styles that were researched in the pre-production.
Implement the weekly production diaries from the blog
Discuss the sound development and putting the final animation together.

Images; Concepts and the pictures that influenced them, Shots from film (progress and the final shots), Schedule screenshots.

Begin with the premise of the animation and briefly mention the original idea that started it before introducing the animation story line. Describe how you wanted to approach this project in terms of style, design and production.

Main Section;


Discuss initial concept and the final premise, the problems that arose with the early development, introduce the characters and setting, talk about the concept and final design of characters and setting, talk about production schedule and devising your time where it was needed.


Reference to the production diaries and discuss the final design choices for the animation. Discuss the problems faced while in production and how you fixed them or found ways around them. Discuss software.


Discuss sound design, where you needed to add additional sounds and a backing track, record updated audio and worked around timing for the new audio. Compositing in Aftereffects and adding effects also. Discuss the final product.



Development of a student film, the people who were there; lecturers, fellow classmates and family.


Feelings; Talk about the anxiety the project caused during the first week of production and how at certain moments it felt like the effort put into the piece was not worth the final product. Talk about the frustration during the development of the story due to the number of times I had to go back and edit the story, and by Christmas I just wanted to animate. The excitement that I had when we finally began in earnest to animate and getting back into the swing of the software. The fun I had animating certain scenes due to either their funny content or doing something new.

Important Aspects;

What went well and what didn’t; The initial idea worked, however the story grew too complex and had to be reined back in to an acceptable level. I did not anticipate the level of work leading up to production, but I’m glad I did it in the end as it helped ease the workload (e.g. Backgrounds down in photoshop rather than Toonboom, following the schedule rather than going in blind). Style-wise, the cartoon style I went for allowed for greater freedom in terms of movement and cheating, however it also meant some scenes lacked detail for how fast they were. 

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