Sunday, 1 October 2017

Peter McVerry Trust Story Idea - Group Project

Peter McVerry Trust Story Idea

Influenced by the animations from the ‘1Minute Nature’ Series, I thought it would be interesting to go with this style from the Group Project as it was something I had done little of in the past. The style of this animation would be that the character would be shrunk down in size and would interact with the enlarged environment around them. I often did digital animation so I wanted to stay away from it for this project. Instead of the characters being digitally animated, I wanted to try cut-out animation with the realistic environments. The goal for me was to think up of a story in which the character would need to interact with the surroundings for the message to get across. However, I found this difficult as the number of objects I could find where limited in the fact that they had little connection to the setting or events the character would speak about.


Taking into account the ambiance audio in the background of the clip, I tried to set the animation somewhere relevant. The animation opens up into a normal, real kitchen and the camera pans down to the table at the center. The character sits on a mug as people in the background place cutlery on the table. The character will jump down as the audio starts, indicating that the mug was the same size as the cell he stead in while in the hostel. As he describes the house he currently owns, the normal sized people place down everyday objects that would represent the areas he describes as he walks forward. The character moves through the objects as they are placed before the scene transitions to a model of a sitting room by the character taking behind an object and walks into the new scene. He sits down, saying he can finally have a cup of tea in his own house. The scene ends as the Trust logo appears.

The story will need work, but I think I will enjoy this project as it gives the class an opportunity to work as a group in a real client-esque setting. 

(Samples from '1Minute Nature' Series; Not the scale of the characters compared to the realistic 
objects in frame.)

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